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Dies ist eine Weltkugel, die das Info-Center der Schweizer Wirtschaftskanzlei Altenburger legal + tax mit Büros in Zürich, Genf und Lugano symbolisiert.
New Associates: Céline Spahn and Chloé Groenendijk
Trust and illegal tax avoidance
Straus MLC Global - Switzerland Edition
Bilateral Meeting IFA Switzerland and Italy
First Alumni Party in honor of Peter Altenburger. Looking back and into the future!
Professional and regulatory training for trustees
Journée Solutions GFI Genève – 7ème édition
Women Leaders of the Bar Day - 4th Edition
Впровадження Загального стандарту звітності (CRS) в Україні та автоматичний обмін інформацією зі Швейцарією
Implementation of the Common Reporting Standard in Ukraine and Automatic Exchange of Information with Switzerland
Pas d’impôt sur la plus-value de 29 milliards
Italian IRAP and foreign tax credit under Double Tax Treaties
Panorama IV en droit du travail
New practice in Geneva on the taxation of employee incentive plans
Revision of the Swiss Corporate Law: federal and cantonal tax laws
Implementation of the OECD/G20 global minimum tax: Swiss electorate said yes
Deal announcement: Manuel Moor advised the Helarb Group in the sale of Li Calzi Technofrap SA
Il lungo cammino per l’uscita della Svizzera dalle “black list” fiscali italiane
Altenburger FC played the 25th edition of the Mundialito
Soirée d'été du Jeune Barreau de Genève
Who's Who Legal 2023
Practical implementation of FinSA : Portfolio management and distribution of financial products
Swiss L-QIF: A New Unregulated Fund Solution – Legal and Tax Aspects
Mise en oeuvre pratique de la LSfin : Gestion de fortune et distribution de produits financiers
La piazza finanziaria ticinese e l'economia del Nord Italia. Per uno sviluppo integrato
Track #C - The Impact of ESG on International Business and Legal Practice?
7th Global Entrepreneurship Conference
Legalcommunity Awards Switzerland 2023
GwG-Weiterbildungsseminar „Änderungen des GwG und seiner Verordnungen“
Legalcommunity Awards Switzerland 2023 - Finalists
New Associates: Kristin Arve and Nicola Zehnder
Revision of the Swiss Corporate Law: Shareholders' Rights
New FIFA Football Agent Regulations
Bloomberg Tax Switzerland Country Guide: Sebastiano Garufi Giuliani
Deal announcement: MELB Luxe SA has invested in the capital of the Geneva watchmaking company, Agenhor SA
La tassazione in Italia dei redditi previdenziali di fonte svizzera
Il trust? una t-shirt a taglia unica
IBA ERF Officers & Council Members & Advisory Board Members Annual Retreat 2023
International Taxation: Pillar Two Developments
Revision of the Swiss Corporate Law: Board of directors
Swiss frontier workers and remote working in Germany, France and Italy: the tax implications
Split year in the Swiss-Italian on double taxation. The Italian tax authority clarifications
Who's Who Legal 2022 - Thought Leaders
Pianificazione successoria: principali applicazioni del trust
Workshop: China strategy for Swiss businesses - what needs to change?
Massimo Calderan nominated Co-Chair of the IBA European Regional Forum
HFA Con23 - Risikomanagement im Aussenhandel
Harcèlement psychologique : droit du travail et outils pratiques
Il patrimonio immobiliare della famiglia italiana in Ticino
Freezing orders of Swiss assets: an effective way for the Italian creditor to secure the debt recovery
Good news for Swiss groups!
Nuovo accordo sui frontalieri: conto alla rovescia?
Deal announcement: Sale of Forcontact to Transcom
Revision of the Swiss Corporate Law: Shareholders' meeting and resolutions (2/2)
Trust: aspetti fiscali internazionali, svizzeri e italiani
Revision of the Swiss Corporate Law: Shareholders' meeting and resolutions (part 1)
New Senior Associates: Isabelle Meyer and Laura Benhammou
Interview: Les gérants indépendants fusionnent peu
Practical implementation of FinSA: Portfolio management and distribution of financial products
Legal Tech & New Law
Lena Dolci - CAS in Liability and Insurance Law
Kunstnachlässe - Schulthess Forum Kunst im Recht
Altenburger ranked in Leaders League Switzerland 2023
Revision of the Swiss Corporate Law
Fare impresa in Svizzera tedesca
Condition and first Authorization process according to FinIA
Swiss taxation: a springboard or a hindrance for start-ups?
Fiscalité: tremplin ou entrave pour les start-up?
Recht im Kulturbetrieb
Urheberrecht und Kunst
Natalia Roos - CAS in Swiss VAT
Class Actions 2022
Laurent Lehner - Certified Specialist SBA Labour Law
New Developments in International Commercial Arbitration
New Partner: Manuel Moor
La creazione di società in Svizzera
Lecture on "Urheberrecht" in the EMAA Executive Master in Arts
Diversity and Inclusion? Mind the Gap!
La stabile organizzazione
Quantification of damages in the context of an investment advisory contract
Interview: "Swiss Trusts: Coming soon?"
La revisione della Legge sul riciclaggio di denaro
Seminario fiscale 2022
New Partner: Pierre-Yves Vuagniaux
Fasten your apron, dinner is served!
Journée Solutions GFI Genève – 6ème édition
Corporate Tax Symposium 2022
3rd European Automotive and Mobility Services Conference
New Senior Associate: Marco Fusi
Welcome to our summer trainees!
Mundialito 2022 - Altenburger FC
Contratti con i consumatori e giurisdizione competente: rischi per l’operatore professionale
How I came to share my house with a colleague from Kyiv
L’acquisto di immobili in Italia da parte del cittadino svizzero: limitazioni e principio di reciprocità - Novità fiscali
Purchase of real estate in Italy by Swiss nationals
Corporate Team day out!
Weltmacht China – Was kommt da auf uns zu?
Italian tax incentives for teachers and researchers moving their residence to Italy
LSFIN/LEFiN. The clock is ticking.
Rechtsschutz gegen Anordnungen von Aufsichtsorganisationen für Finanzinstitutionen

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