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Dies ist eine Weltkugel, die das Info-Center der Schweizer Wirtschaftskanzlei Altenburger legal + tax mit Büros in Zürich, Genf und Lugano symbolisiert.
Altenburger Sponsor of the International Corporate Tax Symposium 2024
76th Congress of the International Fiscal Association in Cape Town
ISIS Webinar 3 - Rechtsprechung, Praxis und Gesetzgebung aktuell
Pianificazione successoria. Dimensione svizzera
EAM Day Geneva
Successful recognition in Switzerland of a Chinese CIETAC arbitral award ordering a party to pay back a loan bearing a yearly interest of 24%
Milionari alla prova del fisco. Governi e cittadini ripensano la fiscalità per i soggetti facoltosi
Altenburger provided legal advice with respect to the acquisition of Traiteur de Châtelaine
Webinar: Diritto societario: temi scelti relativi al CdA
Pillar Two of the Inclusive Framework on BEPS
Altenburger advised AMS Group (Inwood Hotels) in the acquisition of the Five Seas Hotel in Cannes
IBA Annual Conference 2024
AIJA 2024 annual congress
SAV Weiterbildungstage 2024
Celebrating Milestones and Memories at Altenburger
ISIS Webinar - Rechtsprechung, Praxis und Gesetzgebung aktuell
Altenburger acted as legal advisor to the sellers in a transaction regarding the sale of all shares in Etops Group AG to a group company of Pollen Street Capital
Altenburger advised the Rey family with respect to the sale of a majority stake in the company REY Médical SA to Duomed group
Roland Köchli joins DigitalPioneers Podcast to discuss about "AI and Digital Justice"
Aline Wey Speirs awarded the title "Mediator SBA"
Mundialito 2024 - Altenburger FC is back!
Altenburger sponsor of "Soirée d'été du Jeune Barreau"
Altenburger advised SMG Swiss Marketplace Group in its acquisition of moneyland.ch
Birgit Sambeth has been designated to the ICSID Panel of Conciliators
Il contratto successorio, un utile strumento per la pianificazione ereditaria
A STAR IS BORN: Geneva International Legal Association (GILA) and Altenburger is very proud to be part of its founding members
Geneva Summit on Commercial Dispute Resolution in China
Altenburger Bronze Sponsor of the IFA European Region Conference 2024 in Lausanne
Donation of Shares in Foreign Companies: How to Calculate Capital Gains for Italian Tax Purposes
Webinar: Transfer pricing: le prime linee guida in Svizzera
Massimo Calderan elected member of the Council of the CCIS
ZAV job fair
Geldwäscherei und Sanktionen: Übersicht, Meldepflichten und Zuständigkeiten
Trust: aspetti fiscali internazionali, svizzeri e italiani
Novita fiscali 05/2024 - L'istituto dello “split year” secondo la Convenzione contro le doppie imposizioni tra Svizzera e Italia
Changes to the Swiss Civil Procedure Code as of January 1, 2025
Employment law – Federal court's case law 2023 – Selected overview
Bilanz/Le Temps 2024 – Altenburger amongst the best law firms
Case law – A family foundation taxed twice on the same event?
Webinar: Aliquota minima: attuazione del Pillar 2 OCSE in Svizzera
Altenburger advised Helarb Management SA with respect to the acquisition of Emailtec SA
Il debutto del nuovo accordo sulla fiscalità dei frontalieri
Das neue Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen zwischen Italien und Liechtenstein – Vorteile und konkrete Anwendungsfälle
4th European Automotive and Mobility Services Conference
Altenburger ranked in Leaders League Switzerland 2024!
Représentation d'un créancier dans une faillite en droit suisse: conseils pratiques
12th IBA European Corporate and Private M&A Conference - Paris
Birgit Sambeth - Who’s Who Legal Thought Leaders – Switzerland - Commercial Mediation
Swiss Arbitration Summit 2024
Minimum taxation of multinational groups - Switzerland takes the plunge from 2024!
Novità fiscali 12/23: Attuazione in Svizzera del secondo pilastro: quo vadis?
Deal announcement: Altenburger advised Kylian Mbappé in a long-term strategic partnership with Loewe
Residenza fiscale ed iscrizione anagrafica norme vigenti e prospettive di riforma, nello specifico dei rapporti Italia-Svizzera
Birgit Sambeth elected as Member of the Board of Directors of the Geneva international Airport
Deal announcement: Altenburger advised the shareholders of SV Concept SA on the sale of SV Concept SA to Tsunami Axis Ltd
Deal announcement: Altenburger advised the Helarb Group on the sale of Helarb Management SA to Ali Alradwan & Son's General Trading
Update on the "Lex Minder" incorporation into the Swiss Code of Obligations – What does it mean for Termination Agreements of C-level employees in practice?
Deal announcement: Altenburger advised the Dominicé family on the acquisition of "le Domaine de Beau-Pré" in Geneva
IBA University Day and Job Fair
Revision of the Swiss Corporate Law: Share Capital – General
Deal announcement: Altenburger advised the founders of Capture Media
Tax treatment of the use of vehicles by legal entities according to the practice of the tax authority of the Canton of Ticino
The European automotive and mobility service industry: transformation and revolution (IBA Paris 2023)
Deal announcement: Altenburger advised Schulthess Maschinen AG in the transaction to acquire Solasa group
IBA Annual Conference 2023 in Paris
75th Congress of IFA in Cancun
International VAT Autumn Conference 2023
Il recente accordo tra FINMA, CONSOB e Banca d’Italia
New Associates: Céline Spahn and Chloé Groenendijk
Trust and illegal tax avoidance
Straus MLC Global - Switzerland Edition
Bilateral Meeting IFA Switzerland and Italy
First Alumni Party in honor of Peter Altenburger. Looking back and into the future!
Professional and regulatory training for trustees
Journée Solutions GFI Genève – 7ème édition
Women Leaders of the Bar Day - 4th Edition
Implementation of the Common Reporting Standard in Ukraine and Automatic Exchange of Information with Switzerland
Впровадження Загального стандарту звітності (CRS) в Україні та автоматичний обмін інформацією зі Швейцарією
Pas d’impôt sur la plus-value de 29 milliards
Italian IRAP and foreign tax credit under Double Tax Treaties
Panorama IV en droit du travail
New practice in Geneva on the taxation of employee incentive plans
Revision of the Swiss Corporate Law: federal and cantonal tax laws
Implementation of the OECD/G20 global minimum tax: Swiss electorate said yes
Deal announcement: Manuel Moor advised the Helarb Group in the sale of Li Calzi Technofrap SA
Il lungo cammino per l’uscita della Svizzera dalle “black list” fiscali italiane
Altenburger FC played the 25th edition of the Mundialito
Soirée d'été du Jeune Barreau de Genève
Who's Who Legal 2023
Practical implementation of FinSA : Portfolio management and distribution of financial products
Swiss L-QIF: A New Unregulated Fund Solution – Legal and Tax Aspects
Mise en oeuvre pratique de la LSfin : Gestion de fortune et distribution de produits financiers
La piazza finanziaria ticinese e l'economia del Nord Italia. Per uno sviluppo integrato
Track #C - The Impact of ESG on International Business and Legal Practice?
7th Global Entrepreneurship Conference
Legalcommunity Awards Switzerland 2023
GwG-Weiterbildungsseminar „Änderungen des GwG und seiner Verordnungen“
Legalcommunity Awards Switzerland 2023 - Finalists
Revision of the Swiss Corporate Law: Shareholders' Rights
New Associates: Kristin Arve and Nicola Zehnder

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