Birgit Sambeth

In disputes as in life: you need empathy, dedication and a wise solution-oriented mindset.
Birgit Sambeth ist Co-Leiterin unseres Teams für Streitbeilegung. Als ehemalige stellvertretende Richterin und gerichtliche Schlichterin, die als Mediatorin und Schiedsrichterin tätig war, ist sie als vorausschauende, ganzheitliche und strategische Streitbeilegungsspezialistin anerkannt und wird regelmäßig als Neutrale zur Verhinderung und Beilegung komplexer internationaler und nationaler Streitigkeiten in Handels- und internationalen Vertretungs-/Vertriebsverträgen, Fusionen und Übernahmen, Bauprojekten, Arbeitsverhältnissen und Familien-/Erbschaftsangelegenheiten, oft mit interkulturellen und mehrsprachigen Komponenten, eingesetzt.
Seit 2018 wird Birgit von Who's Who Legal unter den "Thought Leaders - Mediation" gelistet und ist als "N° 1 most highly regarded mediator in Switzerland" anerkannt. Sie ist von einer Reihe von nationalen und internationalen Mediationsinstitutionen akkreditiert, inkl. dem Schweizerischen Anwaltsverband (FSA-SAV), der Schweizerischen Kammer für Wirtschaftsmediation (SCCM), dem Internationalen Mediationsinstitut (IMI), CEDR London, CPR New York, VIAC Wien, CMAP Paris, CAM Mailand, CML Russland, dem Shenzhen Court of Arbitration (South China) (SCIA), ICC, SCAI, TAS-CAS, INSOL und WIPO.
Neben ihrer Tätigkeit in der Streitbeilegung befasst sich Birgit auch häufig mit Unternehmenssanierungs- und Insolvenzverfahren, wo sie als Gläubigervertreterin oder als Liquidatorin und Treuhänderin im Rahmen von nationalen und internationalen Konkurs- und Vergleichsverfahren auftritt.
Birgit Sambeth
Altenburger Ltd legal + tax
Rue Rodolphe-Toepffer 11bis, 1206 Genf
- 2021-2023 Präsident des Schweizerischen Anwaltsverbandes
- 2019-2021 Vizepräsident des Schweizerischen Anwaltsverbandes
- Seit 2005 Partnerin bei Altenburger
- 1994-2008 Ersatzrichterin an unterschiedlichen Genfer Gerichten
- 1994-2005 Anwaltskanzlei Sambeth Glasner, Genf
- 1989-1994 Legal Counsel bei Ernst & Young (Rechts- und Steuerabteilung), Basel
- 1986-1987 Anwaltspraktikum bei Baker & McKenzie, Genf und Chicago
- 2019 Akkreditierte Mediatorin im Gesundheitsbereich, Genf
- 2012 Vereidigung als Mediatorin durch das Appellationsgericht, Kanton Waadt
- 2005 Vereidigung zur Mediatorin durch die Genfer Regierung
- 2004 Akkreditierte CEDR-Mediatorin, London
- 2004 Akkreditierte WIPO-Mediatorin, Genf
- 1997 Zertifizierte Mediatorin in Zivil-, Wirtschafts- und Strafsachen (FSA/CEFOC/INPER), Lausanne
- 1990 Zulassung als Rechtsanwältin, Genf
- 1986 Master of Laws (LL.M.) in International Banking and Finance, Boston University, USA
- 1984 Lic. iur., Universität Genf
An allen Schweizer Gerichten
Zusätzliche Tätigkeiten
- 2024 Akkreditiert beim Internationalen Zentrum zur Beilegung von Investitionsstreitigkeiten (ICSID)
- 2022 Dozentin für Wirtschaftsmediation, LL.M. Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht, UNIL Lausanne
- 2008-2022 Dozent für Wirtschaftsmediation, CAS und DAS Universität Fribourg
- 2008-2022 Dozentin für Wirtschaftsmediation, CAS HEIG Yverdon
- 2009-2022 Dozentin am MIDS Master in International Dispute Settlements, Hochschulinstitut HEI Genf
- 2009-2017 Dozentin für Wirtschaftsmediation, Diplom und Master of Arts in International Trading, Commodity Finance and Shipping, HEC Genf.
- 2009-2017 Dozentin für Wirtschaftsmediation, Master in Internationalem Handelsrecht, Verträgen und Streitbeilegung, Universität Turin und IUSE, ITC-ILO in Zusammenarbeit mit UNCITRAL
- 2011-2018 Dozentin für Mediation Advocacy, ECAV Ecole d'Avocature, Genf
- 2013 Dozentin für Mediation Advocacy, Masterstudiengang Wirtschaftsmediation, BUCERIUS Law School, Hamburg
Birgit Sambeth is commended as "an absolutely fabulous practitioner" whose expertise spans domestic and international commercial disputes, often arising from contractual and transactional matters.
Birgit Sambeth is commended as "an absolutely fabulous practitioner" whose expertise spans domestic and international commercial disputes, often arising from contractual and transactional matters.
Birgit Sambeth is commended as "an absolutely fabulous practitioner" whose expertise spans domestic and international commercial disputes, often arising from contractual and transactional matters.
Birgit Sambeth is commended as "an absolutely fabulous practitioner" whose expertise spans domestic and international commercial disputes, often arising from contractual and transactional matters.
Birgit Sambeth enjoys a stellar reputation as "a vastly experienced commercial mediator" who "sits "at the very top of the list".
Birgit Sambeth enjoys a stellar reputation as "a vastly experienced commercial mediator" who "sits "at the very top of the list".
"Birgit Sambeth Glasner is a revered for her top-notch on high-profile insolvency disputes at home and abroad. "
"Birgit Sambeth Glasner is a revered for her top-notch on high-profile insolvency disputes at home and abroad. "
“Birgit Sambeth Glasner is a prestigious figure in domestic and international mediation with expertise spanning from commercial disputes to criminal matters.”
“Birgit Sambeth Glasner is a prestigious figure in domestic and international mediation with expertise spanning from commercial disputes to criminal matters.”
"Appreciated by the market for the experience and in-depth knowledge of arbitration matters. The professional is to all intents and purposes one of the icons in her field."
"Appreciated by the market for the experience and in-depth knowledge of arbitration matters. The professional is to all intents and purposes one of the icons in her field."
“Birgit Sambeth Glasner has consistently been rated at Performance Level 5 by the Parties for whom she has acted as a mediator as well as their attorneys. All of the parties would recommend her as a mediator, a fact borne out by the number of them willing to use her again and some to provide a reference to parties considering the engagement of Birgit as a mediator in the future. Costs were widely reported as reasonable and within international standards. Thus, a very high degree of satisfaction was reported.”
“Birgit has a quick grasp of all the underlying issues and she explores the values with patience. Her skills in setting up and providing an adequate environment for a constructive dialogue is particularly reflected, as well as her patience and flexibility, together with her ability to calm down individual sensitivities and to prevent the escalation of disputes. She is described as having a sound common sense and being confident, pragmatic as well as solution oriented. She tries to keep negotiators focused on key issues and future interests.”
“Birgit calmly deals with stalemates and she is deemed to be particularly helpful in clarifying and structuring the dispute resolution processes, managing the parties expectations and assisting them to “take a step back”. Humanistic and empathetic, she uses all her personal skills, notably the listening skills, to a genuinely caring attitude, and for being an excellent listener and very skilled communicator.”
“Having lived all her life in a multi-cultural, - professional and - linguistic environment, she handles well cultural differences, whether geographic very human and empathetic, she has a special way to build trust with the parties. She was reported as being committed, having a genuinely caring attitude but, at the same time, also being able to stay firm if needed.”
“Birgit has a brilliant mind, able to catch immediately what is really at stake and has a special way to calmly but firmly help parties to find their way out of the conflict. All the mediations she has conducted were reported as being settled in a very short time.”
“Birgit Sambeth Glasner has consistently been rated at Performance Level 5 by the Parties for whom she has acted as a mediator as well as their attorneys. All of the parties would recommend her as a mediator, a fact borne out by the number of them willing to use her again and some to provide a reference to parties considering the engagement of Birgit as a mediator in the future. Costs were widely reported as reasonable and within international standards. Thus, a very high degree of satisfaction was reported.”
“Birgit has a quick grasp of all the underlying issues and she explores the values with patience. Her skills in setting up and providing an adequate environment for a constructive dialogue is particularly reflected, as well as her patience and flexibility, together with her ability to calm down individual sensitivities and to prevent the escalation of disputes. She is described as having a sound common sense and being confident, pragmatic as well as solution oriented. She tries to keep negotiators focused on key issues and future interests.”
“Birgit calmly deals with stalemates and she is deemed to be particularly helpful in clarifying and structuring the dispute resolution processes, managing the parties expectations and assisting them to “take a step back”. Humanistic and empathetic, she uses all her personal skills, notably the listening skills, to a genuinely caring attitude, and for being an excellent listener and very skilled communicator.”
“Having lived all her life in a multi-cultural, - professional and - linguistic environment, she handles well cultural differences, whether geographic very human and empathetic, she has a special way to build trust with the parties. She was reported as being committed, having a genuinely caring attitude but, at the same time, also being able to stay firm if needed.”
“Birgit has a brilliant mind, able to catch immediately what is really at stake and has a special way to calmly but firmly help parties to find their way out of the conflict. All the mediations she has conducted were reported as being settled in a very short time.”